May your days be filled with magic, love and joy.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" Plato


Eco Rocker

Mi fa ricordare la mia tesi...
Un oggetto molto conosciuto in una versione attuale, creativa ed ecologica


Donna Moderna

Once Upon a Time... su Donna Moderna di Venerdi 26 Novembre 2010




...un felice ricordo della giornata che si sta per concludere...

Idea fantastica !!!

Packaging per un succo di frutta per bambini


Santa Cecilia

Oggi si festeggia Santa Cecilia e si iniziano ad addobbare le case per il natale!!!
Ho Ho Ho



Non mi ricordo dove l'ho trovato....


Mamma e figlia

Ho trovato oggi queste collane deliziose ...

cute :)


Sta finendo la settimana

questo e' quello che ho fatto in questi giorni....
Ho le dita consumate....

Oggi ceniamo con amici ed io coccolo un po' il piccolo Raffaele.
E stata una giornata di ricordi... Sono passati 7 anni...
Buon fine settimana a tutti !!!!
Ivissssss, un bacio speciale per te :-)

Partendo per Torino...

Buon viaggio!!!!


Mixed Media Art

Un mix di arte, riciclo, farfalle, passeri e fiori...
Chi mi conosce sa quanto mi piacciono queste cose !!!
Trovato nel blog di Geninne che adoro !!!!


Babbo Natale

Mentre leggevo il blog di beerlala, ho scoperto che in Olanda festeggiano Saint Nicholas, che ha ispirato il mito di Santa Claus, il famoso Babbo Natale; il 5/6 dicembre ! I bambini fanno le sue lettere e lasciano le scarpe sotto il camino nella notte del 5 dicembre e trovano i regali nella mattina del 6 dicembre .... Come sara' il natale li? Cosa fanno il 24 e 25 dicembre?


Um mundo melhor !!!!

Este é o ideal e esta musica cantada por essa pequena é simplismente incrível!!!!!

um beijo a todos, desculpem a ausência mas estamos "on the road"!!!


Children's photographer

Lorna Freytag
 Jack and the beanstalk
 Hansel and Gretel
of course I loved the fairytale section
You can find some more here
via Li'l Magoolie


Kids simplicity

Amei esse mobile da Wee Gallery
Mais ainda a frase da filha que inspirou a criação...
"When two people love each other, they make a rainbow."
Porque esquecemos todas essas coisas quando crescemos?
Porque complicamos tanto a vida?


In love

with Thereza Rowe's work
Isn't it beautiful??


Once upon a time...

How cute is that?
Really nice work :) by portuguese designer Ana Cardim


We're back

We have a lot to do this week and some news to tell !!!
Meanwhile take a look at this
My Mother-in-law just moved and she found this amazing Pinocchio book.
She gave us because it was my husband's when he was little!!!
It's  a 1946 copy ... just loved it :)



Dear all,
We are out of town for work,
It's really hard to post...
I just stopped by an apple store
to make this one!!!
Don't forget tomorrow at BKIDS
You'll know the giveaway's winner !!!!
Have a nice week :-)


Friendship Necklace

Had seen this necklace before and yesterday I found on this blog how to make it!!!
Cool :)


Some changes

That's how our home is going to look like in some days!!!
We're making it a little more interactive and easy to navigate.
I'll let you know when it will be online :-)
Hope you like it!!!
Don't forget the 15% on Cinderella's collection... It's just for a week!


Jewelry Band-Aid by Cynthia Rowley

Sorry, I can't remember where I found it!!!


Giveaway at Bloesemkids

Leave your comment and cross your fingers!!!!
Just tell me what would you like to see in our next collection...
To participate click here

Visit our site because we are offering a 15% discount on Cinderella's collection and it's just for a week!!!


Tiny and incredible art !!!

When I saw Dalton Ghetti's work I was impressed!!!
I was without time to post so I just left the images on my desktop...
And here it is !!! Wish I had just half of his ability ;-)



August had been so busy...
Little by little I'll show you what I did back home :)
Let's start with the visit I made to my super talented brazilian-japanese friend Talita. She used to do fabric purses, than jewelry and now she's into children's book. I went with our good friend Marceuda (also jeweler) to see her new studio and here are some pics of that afternoon:
She has a cute garden with some Brazilian flowers and herbs like Capim Santo

Some details

Finally I found a really nice thing she agreed to share... on her wall I found the original page of her
first kids origami book!!! And guess what? It's based on an ancient japanese fable... Nice ;-)
Beijinhos pra vcs amigas queridas !!!!