May your days be filled with magic, love and joy.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" Plato


Another way to carry your family around

Today I found here this ceramic competitor :-)
How sweet is it?!?!?!


These cherries are amazing... I don't remember finding it in Brazil in august ... I was wondering where do they come from?? Not Europe, not Chile... USA maybe... Want some more!!!!

Pop-up tree

I want to make the same thing with my logo !!! Waoooo
Can find it here via  Li'l Magoolie


Animal Chairs

Don't remember where I got these pictures...
Liked what they wrote about them "We want our design to raise a smile on people's faces so we keep it simple, reliable and colorful."
Really nice design by Elad Ozeri


Familia Ruiz

Today I went with my cousin to pick up the kids at school ...
We got home, they ate, did homework and of course played a lot
I missed you guys :)


Father's day

Today in Brazil is father's day and luckly I'm here to celebrate it with my father
Te amo pai!!!
Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday with your family!!!



This cute 3 kid family is heading to Perugia
Have a safe trip! :-)